Release 2.4.0 February 3, 2022: Earth Views and Satellites

After a year-long development, we are thrilled to release a new version of Tidewater Planetarium that includes two views of the Earth from space - a Hemisphere View (Globe) and a Full Planet view (World Map).

These views are interenting by themselves, displaying the current day/night areas of the planet, the Sun and Moon positions over the Earth, and all the key global reference lines. In fact, we like them so much, we included them in the free version of the software.

But this first Earth Views release also includes a robust Earth orbiting satellite dispaly feature, with thousands of satellites, rocket bodies, debris fields, etc. and a remarkable set of display and presentation options. Our goal was to provide views and options that would help you learn, visualize or just enjoy a beautiful presentaiton of huanity's current use of near space. We think we have succeeded - finally.

The satellite feature has been very challenging for us, but no aspect has been more challenging than finding ways to give you lots of options through a friendly interface. We admit, it has taken us a couple of tries. With thousands of objects in space, from the top of the atmosphere to half way to the moon, and with loads of ways to show them, it will never be super simple. But we think we have found a good way to do it. Still, this might be one area where a quick look at the User Guide might help you if you find selecting satellites, setting their display options, and creating a great screen display isn't going exactly as you thought it would. We hope you will enjoy these new views and options. We've worked hard to make them an exciting and enlightening experience.

If you're so inspired, let us know how you think we did and what you would like to see added, changed or just plain scrapped. Thanks so much for your interest and support.

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